Saturday, December 10, 2011


The basement walls are ‘EcoBlocks’ filled with concrete, and as the  house is evolves further out of the ground the majority of the wall structure will be constructed of ‘Laserframe’ timber.
Steel reinforcing rods forming a forest of bars that protrude from within the polystyrene wall formwork for the concrete walls. Conduit to facilitate the required services is tied into the structure for its future casting into the poured concrete - which is expected to arrive later in the week.  In the distance, towards the center of the first picture, can be seen a stacked pile of grey, open-cell EPS, 100mm thick foam board, that will be laid over the damp-proof membrane (DPC) ready for the concrete floor slab to be poured over top. 

Looking from west to east across the house building platform

The wall formwork is propped with timber bracing to secure the formwork for the weight of the wet insitu concrete to be poured. Reinforcing bars protrude from the footings, and pipeworks for services penetrate through the formwork.
Wall formwork and steel reinforcing
Conduit tied to the reinforcing steel bars
Polystyrene formwork for the walls

The walls are built up out of the ground - this is a step in floor levels.  The steel reinforcing starter rods to connect the wall and the slab are visible protruding through the 'Ecoblocks'.
The polystyrene blocks are sealed with an expanding gap filler
The top face of the exposed footing is covered with insulation
The exterior surfaces of the 'Ecoblocks' are finished using 'Rockcote' plaster applied over mesh.
Red mesh is applied to the 'Ecoblock' for adhesion, and the first coat of
'Rockcote' plaster is applied.  The black spotted product is to protect the
waterproofing membrane from external damage.


  1. Concrete walls are give extra straight and done as for long time. And thanks for showing the process of the concrete wall. I also provide construction material so I know the importance of concrete in construction.

    steel reinforcement mesh

  2. I would love to ask..
    What happens if, instead of using concrete I use dub/mud/clay and for the reinforcement i use wattle or bamboo.
