Thursday, June 14, 2012


Now that the scaffolding has been removed, machinery can be introduced to the site to dig trenches for service drains around the house. Connections will be made to the local sewer drain, electrical and water provider, and the storm-water will be drained to a collection tank for use on-site. The drain trenches are machine dug where possible, and once the pipework is laid, scoria is placed into the trench around the pipes.

Storm-water cesspit base 

The hole at the rear of the house for a storm-water collection tank

Friday, June 1, 2012


Previous posts on the elements that form the building envelope, have shown Intello humidity variable airtightness membranes.  The management of the membrane has needed to be considered to position it in the correct place on the inner face of the construction.  Once the insulation is all in place, the membrane is taped sealing all joins. Once complete, the building is closed up and a blower-door test is undertaken to ensure the building meets the criteria for airtightness required by Passivehouse standards.  Note that all services the penetrate the membrane are taped to ensure airtightness.

The blower door

Previous blower door tests have not quite met the requires air change per hour (ac/h) required to meet the  minimum Passive House standard of 0.6ac/h, so a few  adjustments are made to address the building envelope.  Additional blower tests are done until this is achieved.
A ply panel with seals for the blower fan is fitted into the internal garage door that provides direct access to the house entry foyer .

Fitting of the panel for the blower door can be seen in the garage.

The fan unit